e-Assessment And Income Tax Scrutiny And Assessment Procedure And Maintenance of Books of Account, Documents & Records

-7% e-Assessment And Income Tax Scrutiny And Assessment Procedure And Maintenance of Books of Account, Documents & Records

The book contains all about Income Tax Scrutiny, i.e.:

  • How to maintain proper records
  • Return of Income and types of assessment
  • E-Assessment procedure with the newly enacted face-less assessment Scheme
  • Service of notices and e-notices
  • Income tax enquiry and summons
  • Penalty for concealment
  • Production of Documents and evidences
  • Tips for a hassle-free income tax assessment, and much more!

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  • Views: 1092
  • Product Code: 1515
  • HSN Code: 4109
  • Publication Year: 2020
  • Publication Date:
  • Availability: In Stock
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